Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yes (Wo)men

 "Advice is something we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't..."

Now I've thought about this one long and hard, and, although friends are usually the first port of call in a romantic crisis, they absolutely shouldn't be.

The reason we turn to our friends is because deep down, we know they will tell us exactly what we want to hear. Even I tend to favour telling a friend to 'give it more time', rather than tell her that the overwhelming sound of her biological clock is clearly obscuring the sound of her boyfriend's bullshit. When we ladies gather together, we seem to get geed up on this chick-flick mentality that there will always be a happy ending. Even Jennifer Aniston knows that's a lie!

Things is, you already know whether or not he is an arrogant twat who is unworthy of your time and if so, stop repressing your instincts, stop the delay tactics and the whining and do something about it!  If, on the other hand, you know he's 95% perfect and was just having his man-bitch monthly, then please don't subject your friends to hours of analysing his every mind-numbingly inane move. It comes across as self indulgent gloating, especially when one has the audacity to subject a single friend to this without supplying wine and cheese.

 If your partner is pissing you off you need to tell them, no one else. Don't expect to change your Shrek into Daniel Pimentel. You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter. But, if said man remains a stinker, don't be afraid of pulling the chain, on your own, just like your parents taught you.
 Seeking advice is a false sense of security blanket. It's securing someone else to blame when things go wrong. It leads to self doubt, which in turn, is an act of self sabotage and is about as healthy as a deep fried Christmas pudding.

So let's have a little more confidence in ourselves, a little more faith in our significant others and save the bawling for genuine crises. (Like 6 lb weight gain!!)

Photo is Girl with Balloon by Banksy

1 comment:

  1. Love it - and oh so true... Honey 6lbs isnt too bad - try a whole stone ine 1 year! Sooo annoyed! Just researching how to lose it all asap. Emma :)
