Sunday, March 27, 2011

Big Men...

I'm often baffled by the notion that women prefer bad boys. Who and where are these 'women', who are gagging to be ball and chained to some unimaginative, inattentive, arrogant oaf? Apparently they're more exciting, like you never know when they're going to remember their wallets or which one of your friends he's going to poke.

Who is perpetuating the myth that if we stick with the bad boy, he's going to transform into a man worthy of a hallelujah? He won't. That's the thing about dicks: they're thick, selfish and  utterly useless after a short spell of exertion.

This is going to be a really unpopular statement but: I find SATC's Mr Big really irritating. I fail to see why this womanizing, cradle-snatching, late-for-his-own-wedding, commitment phobic man is attractive? 80 percent of the Carrie's girly lunches were spent moaning about Big's cheating or disappearing acts. I remember watching at 15 thinking, "do women still have these conversations at 40?" 40, for sods sake! If only Carrie spent less time neighing and whining, and more time building her self-respect, she would have got her dream wedding instead of his.

So, why is this extremely wealthy playboy with a dodgy ticker, so appealing to women? ...oh, wait!  Mr Big probably isn't the best example. He's bad-ass in an Ivy League way, and when an apology is accompanied with the gift of your own walk in wardrobe, it's hard to stay angry. But why aren't there many thoroughly good, totally faithful and beautiful boys in the movies? Ones that don't die at the end of the film and go on to have a library named after them. Men with a heart like Forest Gump but without the er... never mind. How about less movies where women are winging on about some Alfie wannabe and a little more recognition for the nice guys. It's taking a lot of women FAR too long to discover that relationships are not supposed to be shit   unfulfilling. Remembering a woman's favourite perfume, restaurant, song and flower is pretty sexy in my book, so give me Aiden any day!